If you have ever had a bank account, been the recipient of an insurance policy, invested in the stock market, or received a tax refund, you could have even more money coming your way. But your state may be making it harder to find. The amount of unclaimed property is huge and grows every year! […]
Unclaimed Money Blog
A Collection Of Articles On Unclaimed Money
When someone tells you there is free money available from the government, you are right to be skeptical. These kinds of free money offers are often hallmarks of a scam. The situation is a bit more complex and far more nuanced in the case of unclaimed property. You need to know how to avoid unclaimed […]
Every year millions of unclaimed dollars are turned over to state coffers for safekeeping. Every state in the union maintains a registry filled with that unclaimed property, and it is up to the recipients to search for and find that money. Save yourself time and energy with these unclaimed property tips. If you have ever […]
Many are in need and experiencing financial uncertainty, even with government stimulus programs. While families, businesses, and state governments rightfully tend to their health and safety, financial matters sometimes fall by the wayside. The United States has 8 million Americans out of work. There are rays of hope from many corners, it’s always best to explore […]
With over 60 billion dollars in the United States, everyone wants to know how to find unclaimed money. Well, we have good news and bad news. Let’s start with the good news. Finding unclaimed money can be as simple as entering your information into a website. The bad news? It’s normally not so easy to […]
Is Unclaimed Property Real? We are facing an unprecedented time of financial concern for millions. One might dream of a sudden and miraculous release from worry during these times. Like finding buried treasure, or hidden gold. These flights of fancy might seem like far fetched daydreams. In reality, at least one in ten people in […]